Every family group chat is an entirely different space. If your family isn't talking to each other regularly, it might be challenging to conceptualize what exactly families are texting each other day in and day out. My family group chat is pretty low-key. We send each other pictures of the dogs, the occasional meme, and articles about the nefarious happenings in our hometown. We don't have full-blown conversations, and that's okay with me. Luckily, that chat is only limited to my mom, dad, sister, and myself. I cannot imagine being one of those people who have an entire WhatsApp chat with their extended family, messaging 24 hours a day. One of my friends is in such a chat, and she says that nobody in her family knows when enough is enough regarding texting. If you don't get a lot of juicy dramatic texts from your family, these parenting texts might scratch that itch.