Finish the phrase, "The boss makes a dollar, and I make a dime, that's why…" You know it. It's a decades-old phrase for a reason. It's an axiom that workers have abided by since the Industrial Revolution (maybe). When you've gotta go, you've gotta go, and nothing can stop you from it. Being in charge of your own bathroom time is one of those privileges (rights, actually) you get as an adult. In school, you might have to ask for permission to go to the restroom, but you're not in school anymore. You're a grown person in charge of your own bladder.
Sure, some people might make a mockery of this right (If you've ever had a family member who excuses themselves to the bathroom whenever dishes are being done, you know what I'm talking about), but it's a right nonetheless. That's why when one employer infringed on a worker's bathroom time, folks had a lot to say. Read on for the story.
Sure, some people might make a mockery of this right (If you've ever had a family member who excuses themselves to the bathroom whenever dishes are being done, you know what I'm talking about), but it's a right nonetheless. That's why when one employer infringed on a worker's bathroom time, folks had a lot to say. Read on for the story.