Raising a kid is usually more than a one person job, and one of the most important things that a parent can have access to is people who are happy to help them out now and then. 'The village' is a concept that many moms and dads swear by, but it isn't always easy to find—and in many cases, it is easily exploited as well.
This is an issue that one young mom recently found herself dealing with in the workplace when her colleague and mom-to-be made a demand of her. The pregnant coworker wanted to be given the hand-me-downs from her 2-month-old baby, which she refused to do as she expected that she and her husband would use these items for a second child in the future. The situation only deteriorated from there, leading the new mom to wonder if she had actually been unreasonable in her response.
This is an issue that one young mom recently found herself dealing with in the workplace when her colleague and mom-to-be made a demand of her. The pregnant coworker wanted to be given the hand-me-downs from her 2-month-old baby, which she refused to do as she expected that she and her husband would use these items for a second child in the future. The situation only deteriorated from there, leading the new mom to wonder if she had actually been unreasonable in her response.