It's challenging to be the sibling of a kid with issues. It's easy to feel like you're not prioritized, and all the decisions your family makes revolve around the high needs of one family member. Of course, it is much more challenging to be the person who has a laundry list of needs that the world does not cater to, but that doesn't make the struggles of glass children any less important.
The aunt in this story is a great person to have in a family like this one. She makes sure to include her nieces, who like to go to the theater and museums, in her family outings with her husband and her 12-year-old daughter. If she didn't do this, the girls wouldn't get a chance to do so because those activities aren't things their 10-year-old developmentally delayed brother would tolerate. This arrangement was all well and good until the aunt planned a girl's trip to a place the brother wanted to go to.
The aunt in this story is a great person to have in a family like this one. She makes sure to include her nieces, who like to go to the theater and museums, in her family outings with her husband and her 12-year-old daughter. If she didn't do this, the girls wouldn't get a chance to do so because those activities aren't things their 10-year-old developmentally delayed brother would tolerate. This arrangement was all well and good until the aunt planned a girl's trip to a place the brother wanted to go to.