Anyone who has actually had to cook for themselves knows how time-consuming it can be. Making dinner is not as simple as just making dinner. It's finding a recipe, going to the grocery store, managing the fridge and the pantry, prepping the ingredients, actively cooking, and then cleaning the dishes when all is said and done. If you have a couple of recipes that you stick to it can lessen the load, but it's always hard work, especially if you're doing it every single night.
This is why, once upon a time, the person who didn't/couldn't join the workforce, usually the wife, was the one that was responsible for these tasks, because it's as much of a job as anything else. But as more and more of us have full-time jobs, the role of meal-provider takes on more ambiguity. But if everyone involved is working full-time jobs, then it has to be a joint effort. One husband didn't quite understand this and expected his wife to bend to a norm that isn't realistic anymore. Read on for the details.
This is why, once upon a time, the person who didn't/couldn't join the workforce, usually the wife, was the one that was responsible for these tasks, because it's as much of a job as anything else. But as more and more of us have full-time jobs, the role of meal-provider takes on more ambiguity. But if everyone involved is working full-time jobs, then it has to be a joint effort. One husband didn't quite understand this and expected his wife to bend to a norm that isn't realistic anymore. Read on for the details.