Ok, so the party may not be over just yet (thank you, New Year's, for giving us one last chance at seasonal debauchery), but we are getting to that point in the post-Christmas period where we are starting to think about what lies ahead and not just what piece of novelty chocolate we are going to eat next. For some, this will be approached with trepidation and even confusion, others will be braced and ready to take on a new challenge.
Wherever you fall on this particular spectrum, there is one thing that you can count on: the easy entertainment of memes will be here to hold your hand every step of the way, no matter what happens. Reintroducing yourself back to a normal routine takes time, and it's only fair you have a few moments of distraction during the process to give your brain the time it needs to recharge.
Wherever you fall on this particular spectrum, there is one thing that you can count on: the easy entertainment of memes will be here to hold your hand every step of the way, no matter what happens. Reintroducing yourself back to a normal routine takes time, and it's only fair you have a few moments of distraction during the process to give your brain the time it needs to recharge.