Sometimes you need to set up little rewards for yourself in order to get anything done. When I was in college writing term papers at the last minute, I would buy a pack of sour gummy worms and let myself eat one every time I finished a paragraph. The sugar kept me awake, the sourness kept me alert, and the promise of a sweet treat enabled me to crank out sentence after sentence. It's like when you want your dog to stop chewing on your socks so you bring out a little piece of ham. We are really not that different than them. We are motivated by food as much as anyone else.
But if you're tired of the food trick, perhaps memes could be another powerful motivational tool. Do a little work, and have a little meme. Or just say to heck with it and go straight for the memes. We won't judge.
But if you're tired of the food trick, perhaps memes could be another powerful motivational tool. Do a little work, and have a little meme. Or just say to heck with it and go straight for the memes. We won't judge.