As the adage goes, some are born cool, and some have coolness thrust upon them. Have you ever met someone who just has a certain je ne sais quoi to them that you admire, but can't pinpoint? These are the people who can wear the simplest outfit and it looks like a revelation on them. They toss off the most mundane phrase and you feel like writing it down in your journal so you'll never forget it. They show you a song and it becomes your personal anthem. These folks are just simply cool, no bones about it. But what about the rest of us whose cool is effortful? We study these effortlessly cool people and want to be like them, but it doesn't always land.
But I'm a firm believer that earnestness is just as cool. These memes are for both of those kinds of people, though, because who doesn't love memes?
But I'm a firm believer that earnestness is just as cool. These memes are for both of those kinds of people, though, because who doesn't love memes?