Are you tired of doing Elf on the Shelf every single day? Then this list of tweets is for you. This time of year can be especially exhausting for parents, but also especially rewarding. Your 5-year-old's face as they open that Lego set they've been wanting? Absolutely priceless. Coaxing them down from a sugar high after they ate all the mini marshmallows you were saving for hot chocolate? A little less than priceless. Witnessing your kids' pure awe as they see that Santa has indeed eaten all the cookies they left out for him? It's one of the best feelings in the world. Having to tell them that no, Santa won't bring them a pony this year? Disheartening.
We all make sacrifices this time of year, and hopefully, it's all worth it to feel that seasonal cheer. But if you're having a hard time drumming it up this week, these parenting tweets have your back.
We all make sacrifices this time of year, and hopefully, it's all worth it to feel that seasonal cheer. But if you're having a hard time drumming it up this week, these parenting tweets have your back.