If you're anything like me (or perhaps most people by now), you're fascinated with the idea of the multiverse. Shows like The Twilight Zone, Rick and Morty, and Wandavision have provided us with creative depictions of the scientific theory, and it's sucked us in. It's an endless field of possibility, quite literally.
"So you're telling me, that in some alternate universe out there where everything else is the same, I'm still me, I still have this life and this job, but everyone's skin is blue?" Is what I think out loud every night before I go to sleep. And the universe answers, "Yeah, babe. But that's the most creative thing you could think of? Blue skin?" And I sigh and return to my state of existential stupor. Where the multiverse is concerned, everything and anything is possible and in fact, is already happening. Luckily we're in this reality, where the memes are fresh.
"So you're telling me, that in some alternate universe out there where everything else is the same, I'm still me, I still have this life and this job, but everyone's skin is blue?" Is what I think out loud every night before I go to sleep. And the universe answers, "Yeah, babe. But that's the most creative thing you could think of? Blue skin?" And I sigh and return to my state of existential stupor. Where the multiverse is concerned, everything and anything is possible and in fact, is already happening. Luckily we're in this reality, where the memes are fresh.