Music can turn an ordinary moment into an extraordinary moment. During this time of year (when it gets dark seemingly at lunchtime), it can be hard to lose motivation. I've been combating this with music. I pick a good playlist, turn it up loud, and groove my little heart out. I'm a true believer that bass can move stagnant energy in your body. Hearing the right song at the right moment can turn your whole day around. It can give you perspective on a tough moment or make you forget all about your trivial little woes.
So if music is the soundtrack of your life (Now that I say that, I don't know what else would, it's a soundtrack), then these memes are for you. They're by music nerds for music nerds, and anyone who happens to appreciate a little groove time now and then. Which to my money is everyone.
So if music is the soundtrack of your life (Now that I say that, I don't know what else would, it's a soundtrack), then these memes are for you. They're by music nerds for music nerds, and anyone who happens to appreciate a little groove time now and then. Which to my money is everyone.