We're officially in the time of year when everyone starts thinking about going to the gym. If you're anything like me, you've spent the last week sitting on your behind, eating your weight in chips and dip, and putting some extra whipped cream on your hot chocolate "just because." This is the way of the holidays, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
When it starts to wind down, though, you start craving a little more discipline. Your body cries out for movement. Your stomach cries out for fiber (or really anything green). Your limbs cry out for stretching. And then there's that convenient Jan 1 holiday creeping up-- a date onto which you can project all of your ambitions. You will become the person you've always dreamed of becoming. You'll cook for yourself, hit your goals, and finally start regularly going to the gym. You will, I believe you. Just take these memes with you.
When it starts to wind down, though, you start craving a little more discipline. Your body cries out for movement. Your stomach cries out for fiber (or really anything green). Your limbs cry out for stretching. And then there's that convenient Jan 1 holiday creeping up-- a date onto which you can project all of your ambitions. You will become the person you've always dreamed of becoming. You'll cook for yourself, hit your goals, and finally start regularly going to the gym. You will, I believe you. Just take these memes with you.