As a college student, taking out loans is a part of the game. When you're able to score a merit or need-based scholarship, though, that's where the real jackpot is! When a university hands out financial aid packages, some students might notice they're getting some extra cash that could be used toward living expenses and textbooks. It's important for those who receive this money to spend it wisely and within the constraints of the scholarship agreement—but the young college student in this story doesn't know what to do about her boyfriend asking for cash hand-outs.
The college student would make jokes to her boyfriend about how she'd split her extra scholarship money three ways between herself, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's mother. Little did she know that her boyfriend has taken this to heart and is now asking her to cough up $5k and give it to his mom for "raising 'such a great boyfriend'". She refuses, but not without causing a major rift between them. Scroll to read.
The college student would make jokes to her boyfriend about how she'd split her extra scholarship money three ways between herself, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's mother. Little did she know that her boyfriend has taken this to heart and is now asking her to cough up $5k and give it to his mom for "raising 'such a great boyfriend'". She refuses, but not without causing a major rift between them. Scroll to read.