It's unbelievable how easy it is to have a false memory. My family and I were recently discussing two disparate memories regarding my little sister, taxi cabs, and Broadway musicals. Everyone else remembers her saying, "Where's my taxi?" after we saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway when she was four. I remember her telling the cab driver, "Take us to Wicked," around that time. The thing is, though, I don't actually remember the latter incident, but I remember my mom retelling the story of "Take us to Wicked" to others. Nearly 20 years later, my mom doesn't remember that at all, but she does remember, "Where's my taxi?". While it is possible that my sister had two hilarious interactions related to taxi cabs and Broadway musicals around the same time, it does seem much more likely that I have a false memory. The 20-year-old in this story has a much more devastating false memory than I do, and it's hard not to feel bad for him.